Last week, my husband and I went away to a cabin in Townsend, TN to celebrate our 42nd anniversary!! We were isolated from the world in a magical world of woods and silence! When we awoke on that first morning after arriving the night before, we were surprised to see a Winter Wonderland all around us! I opened the door to take some pictures and was awed by the silence and the sound (yes, it does make a sound) of falling snow on the trees and shrubs. It was beautiful!!

Trying to decide what we really wanted to "DO" on our anniversary, we realized something: when you get to our ages and have been married for as long as we have been, it's hard to find something different or exciting to do! So we decided to just go into Pigeon Forge and see where we wanted to eat our anniversary dinner at and we'd decide what to do once we got there. Well, neither of us could find anything that looked like "fun" until we saw a Books-a-Million store!! Our eyes lit up and we realized that nothing could be better for us or more fun than going to the book store!! We have always loved books! We pulled into the lot and went through the doors and although I told myself I was only going to look and really didn't expect to find anything that I wanted to read, (as I have several books at home still that are unread!), within the first five minutes I found not one but FOUR books I just had to have!! We spent about an hour or so in there browsing and when we finished, we decided to go to Calhoun's to have our anniversary dinner! The food was excellent and we noticed that right next door was my favorite candy store! I discovered this candy store in Gatlinburg several years ago and now they have one in Pigeon Forge! It's named "Kilwin's" and they have the absolute BEST pecan-caramel apples in the world! I bought two and we headed back home. We were supposed to get more snow so we wanted to get home and across the mountain road we took before it got dark.

What a wonderful day we had!
Today, I have been reading one of the books I purchased and it's called "Making Rounds With Oscar" by David Dosa, M.D. It's an excellent book, although I must say that it has made me feel a little sad reading it. It has brought up many memories of when my Dad was dying from Alzheimer's Disease. The book is about a doctor that makes rounds in a nursing facility and the patients he serves and a cat named Oscar that senses when a patient is about to die. It's really very interesting, but if you have had a loved one die with Alzheimer's, it may make you feel sad as you revisit those days in your mind.
I finished another book that I bought that day titled "One Good Dog" by Susan Wilson. I read it in a couple days it was so good!! I highly recommend it although as a fair warning, it does have a few swear words in it. Wonderful story otherwise!
"The woods are lovely, dark and deep... "