We have spent the last week up in Chicago. My husband had meetings and since he had to go, we drove and I spent some time with my family and my Mom while he was in meetings. While we were away, our dogs were boarded at the doggie spa. Not really a spa, but they really are very nice there and the dogs seem to love going! Before we even pull up into the parking lot, they get all excited and can't wait to get inside! Since we got Noel, the Miniature Schnauzer, she and Sarge are fast friends! They play together all the time and even share a bed at night in the living room while we watch TV. Now, when we have to go away for a while, we have the boarding place put them together. When we picked them up after our trip, of course, we were gone a week, so they were very happy to see us! Noel's left leg was shaved for the IV she had while she was there, because we had her spayed while she was there. This is the picture that I took of them in the back seat after we picked them up. They were both so excited to be going home that it took them twenty minutes to settle down! This is their "happy to be going home" faces!