I spent the afternoon painting again today. I did the same thing on Sunday afternoon. Oh how I love to paint. I'm by far not a professional artist and can't hold a candle to many others out there, but it's something I love to do to pass time and it takes my mind off of everything else! I find it to be very relaxing! I've prayed about many things in the past and being able to paint is one of the things I've asked the Lord to help me to do, because I love to do it so much. I want to be good at it but really can't afford to go and take lessons! So I bought a few books and am teaching myself. Here are the newest paintings that I did Sunday afternoon and today with my new art set! These are not originals, but were copied from an art book I bought called "Flowers Wet-On-Wet". They're done in oils. Now all I have to do is buy the frames!
I spent the earlier part of the day going through my pictures from my trip to Florida with 2 of my daughters and 3 of my grandchildren. I printed out the ones I wanted and now will put them into a photo album.
I'm not sure what I'll paint next. I think I might just practice more on flowers before attempting more originals. I want to paint our Boxer soon though. Here is a picture that I did back in 1999 of our companion and friend "Sam". He was a Sheltie and the best dog we've ever had. He died from cancer at the age of 12 1/2. We miss him still.
I'm not sure what I'll paint next. I think I might just practice more on flowers before attempting more originals. I want to paint our Boxer soon though. Here is a picture that I did back in 1999 of our companion and friend "Sam". He was a Sheltie and the best dog we've ever had. He died from cancer at the age of 12 1/2. We miss him still.
These are great. They're beautiful. I wish I could paint.
Linda, you are GOOD! I love your paintings, especially the first one of the flowers in the vase. I can't wait to see more!
Wow!! I think you are doing great!! I would hang these in my home for sure!! Thanks for sharing your passion with us!! I really want to learn watercolors. I've done a little without any instruction but would love to take a class and learn the proper techniques!
Have a joyful weekend!
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