Thursday, November 12, 2009

The Weekend is Coming and So Much to Do!

 To all my friends in Blogland:  I just wanted to let you know that my husband and I will be taking advantage of the beautiful weather this weekend and getting some much needed yard work done.  I will also be working on a sewing project since I just got my new sewing machine!  I haven't sewn for probably 20 years and wanted to get back to it! I'm so excited about starting to sew again! I bought a pattern for a simple night-gown to start on and a pattern for some reversible table place-mats and a table runner.  I purchased some Christmas patterned material for the place mats. I wanted to buy some Thanksgiving-Fall material but figured since it will soon be December, I better start with the Christmas pattern and save the Fall pattern for next year.

I am also reading a new book I bought, called "In the President's Service-Behind the Scene With Agents in the Line of Fire and the Presidents They Protect" by Ronald Kessler.  It's a fascinating book and hard to put down! It's also hard to read about how despicable some of the men that have held the office of "President" and the "most powerful man in the free world" have been. I learned that the threats on the president's life have gone up more than 400% since President Obama took office!  It's a scary world we're living in! 

Because we'll be so busy over the next few days though, I probably won't be blogging until next week sometime.  Oh yes, I should work on my novel some more too! I've neglected that for several days now!

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!


1 comment:

Southern Lady said...

Linda, thank you so much for your sweet comments about my blog. They mean a lot to me.

I read the secret service book and was shocked at some of the things that went on in the White House, and "despicable" perfectly describes it.

I hope you enjoy your new sewing machine and get a lot accomplished over the weekend.

I'm working on a cookbook for Avery, and hope to finish it the first of next week so I can get it in time for Christmas. I've also got several Christmas decorating projects in the works, so I feel like I'm running in several directions. Hopefully, it will all come together at some point ... lol

Have a great weekend!