There's an old song that goes: God help the Mister that comes between me and my Sister!
Have you ever thought how blessed we are to have Sisters (and Brothers)? I have many times. Coming from a large family (there were 6 of us altogether: 5 sisters and 1 brother). My Dad worked in a steel mill all his life to support us, and my Mom stayed home to take care of all of us, but back in the 50's things were a lot different (and harder) than they are today and wages weren't as high for sure. Having 6 children in the family and 6 mouths to feed, meant that we didn't have a lot of extra "things", but we sure had a lot of "FUN"! We slept together in one bed for a long time (3 or 4 of us) and we learned to make our own "fun" when we played outside. I can remember lying in bed at night when we were "supposed to be" going to sleep and whispering and telling stories and giggling until Mom finally had to threaten us with bodily injury if we didn't go to sleep! :) Of course there were the usual "spiffs" and arguments too. I remember one time in particular that one of my younger sisters came running home and told my mom breathlessly "I'm sorry to tell you this Mom, but Ellen is dead!!" Scared my Mom half to death until she found out they were having a fight and one was just telling what she thought would get the other into trouble I guess!! :) I'm sure my Mom could tell a lot of other stories too and I wish she'd write a blog with her memories! When we'd play outside, we could never say we didn't have anyone to play with! We used our imaginations and played outside all day long in the summertime. Our parents never had to worry about us either because we always used the "buddy system"! We were never alone! What a blessing!
Have you ever thought how blessed we are to have Sisters (and Brothers)? I have many times. Coming from a large family (there were 6 of us altogether: 5 sisters and 1 brother). My Dad worked in a steel mill all his life to support us, and my Mom stayed home to take care of all of us, but back in the 50's things were a lot different (and harder) than they are today and wages weren't as high for sure. Having 6 children in the family and 6 mouths to feed, meant that we didn't have a lot of extra "things", but we sure had a lot of "FUN"! We slept together in one bed for a long time (3 or 4 of us) and we learned to make our own "fun" when we played outside. I can remember lying in bed at night when we were "supposed to be" going to sleep and whispering and telling stories and giggling until Mom finally had to threaten us with bodily injury if we didn't go to sleep! :) Of course there were the usual "spiffs" and arguments too. I remember one time in particular that one of my younger sisters came running home and told my mom breathlessly "I'm sorry to tell you this Mom, but Ellen is dead!!" Scared my Mom half to death until she found out they were having a fight and one was just telling what she thought would get the other into trouble I guess!! :) I'm sure my Mom could tell a lot of other stories too and I wish she'd write a blog with her memories! When we'd play outside, we could never say we didn't have anyone to play with! We used our imaginations and played outside all day long in the summertime. Our parents never had to worry about us either because we always used the "buddy system"! We were never alone! What a blessing!
I've often wondered why it is that I really can't stand to be alone now that I'm an adult and after thinking about it a lot, I realized that's because I never learned "how" to be alone when I was growing up. We had so much fun and shared so many good times together and now we all share wonderful memories and love for each other. I am so blessed to have such a close and loving family. It's amazing when I think about it in comparison to so many other families that you hea
r about that can't stand each other or are feuding or haven't talked in years. To this day we all remain a very strong and close-knit family. We share in each other's joys and hurts and sorrows. I think that is due to the fact that we had wonderful and strong parents and grandparents that taught us the value of caring for each other and loyalty. My Dad is gone now as are my grandparents but maybe one day soon I'll do a tribute entry to him and my grandparents: they're the foundations to our lives and who we really are.

One thing is sure: God help the Mister that would try to come between me and my Sisters! I love them all!

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