I've often thought I'd like to start a blog but never attempted to do one. A good friend of mine sent me a link to her blog spot though and that inspired me to try one for myself.
This picture was taken by me one evening in Destin, FL. Destin is one of my favorite vacation spots! Since it was such a beautiful sunset, I thought I'd use it for this post.
I was chatting with my youngest sister this morning and we were talking about the many ways that God blesses our lives and some of the "little things" He does just for us, especially in times when we might need a little "something" special from Him. We talked about how these things can be all around us every day but you have to be "aware" of them to see them or be blessed by them. Sometimes I think that people just go through this world with their eyes closed or focused on things that don't really matter all that much and they miss the really important "little things" when they're right in front of their eyes!! This thought was driven home to me tonight as I was driving back home after visiting with my daughter and her family. I went there this afternoon to lay out by the pool and enjoy the sun (as my daughter once said "I think I was a gecko in a previous life!") and enjoy her pool. I was down by the pool for only about 30 minutes when the clouds began to cover the sky and then thunder started booming overhead. I gathered my things and went inside and we had pizza and watched a movie. It was raining pretty good by now so I stayed until the movie was over. On my way home, it was just barely sprinkling and as I drove home, I couldn't help but notice the most spectacular sunset I've seen in a long time! It was a sunset only a Master Painter like our Creator could have etched across the sky. I marvelled at it as I drove, being careful of course not to go off the road! As I watched it slowly fading, I wondered how many other drivers just hurried to wherever they were going and hadn't even noticed this spectacular display of color and shading and clouds. Those that didn't stop to take in the beauty but just hurried on their way to Wal-mart or some other place, don't even know what they missed out on! I believe that taking these little "breaks" to "notice" the evidence of God's presence and handiwork all around us is what is most important in our day to day lives. Someone once said that "God gives us memories so that we can have roses in winter." and that is so true. I have stored up many of these little "interventions by God" in my life that I can look back on from time to time and wrap them around me like a warm blanket, giving me pleasure anew.
I hope you'll always "look for" these little "gifts" from God to you in your day to day walk through this life.
1 comment:
Linda, your blog looks great and I love the name of it. I enjoyed reading your posts, too, especially this one.
I'm going to add you to my "Blog List."
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