One of my addictions is making jewelry! I was up until 1:30 a.m. this morning working on several different sets! This is just one of them. I'm going to be selling these pieces so if anyone is interested at any time you can email me at for more information.
I can blame my sister for this revival of my addiction and spending mounds of money at my favorite store besides Wal-Mart: Hobby Lobby!
The last time I had a jewelry-making "attack", I would go into Hobby Lobby and come out about $150 poorer! Each time!! Sometimes more than that!
It's an addiction!
Hello, my name is Linda and I'm an addict! :(
One of my other addictions was making SOAP!! I made BINS of soaps! I can't do anything on a small level! Once I set-up a task, it's all or nothing! I have to have ALL the needed (and some not so needed) utensils and additives and molds, etc., etc. I have bins and bins of things I've collected from my little adventures into addictions! Stamping, soap-making, jewelry-making, drawing and painting, mountains of yarns for knitting and crocheting, libraries of BOOKS both for reading pleasure and craft-making! I'm sure some of you can relate! My Sister in Illinois had to make a whole room almost for her stamping hobby! So at least I'm not alone!
Oh yes, and did I forget to mention my addiction to PENS?? I have enough pens to open my own writing instrument store! Every time I see a new one I have to have it!! My purse is so heavy from carrying pens that it's giving me a neck-ache! Someone asks if anyone has a pen and I proudly say, "Oh I think I might have one."
This tendency to addiction was alright when I was working full-time but now that I'm not working full-time anymore, I'll either have to sell some of my creations or tone it down.
Well, where would we be without our own personal addictions? I'm sure we all have them in one way or another! At least I can take pleasure in the fact that something pretty comes out of mine!! ha ha!
Personally, I go through phases: at one time it was chatting on AOL; another time it might be cross-stitching; or crocheting; or painting; or playing my guitar; or reading book after book. I even went through an addiction to SPANISH if you can believe that!! I was taking Spanish classes and reading Spanish and listening to Spanish music and amusing my family trying to roll my rrrr's........rrrrrrrrrrrrr! They would laugh at the strange sounds and funny faces I'd make trying and trying to get my r's to roll and make that trilling sound that is needed for the double "r" in Spanish! I just couldn't do it no matter how I tried, until finally one day, it happened!! Someone explained it to me how to hold my tongue and out it came and I was SO thrilled, I did it over and over and over, afraid I might lose the technique!! lol Much to the amusement of my family!
Many years ago, when we first got our computers (back in the stone ages!), I was addicted to (get this!) WordPerfect if you can believe that!! I couldn't wait to get on my computer each day and start playing with that program! Making newsletters and writing, etc. Then along with the computer came CompuServe and Email and forums (the precursor of chat rooms!) and then AOL which had me staying up until all hours of night chatting with my online friends in chat rooms and on Instant Message! Then I went to work full-time and that took up a lot of time and not leaving much for crafts or other addictions. But even then, I found things to be addicted to! At night... after dinner.... I'd always stay up too late at night doing one thing or another and then be tired when I had to get up for work the next day! Oh yes, don't let me forget E-mail!! Yes, I'm addicted to that too! I can't go a day without checking my E-mail ...... and now it's Blogging!!
I think some of us just have addictive personalities! We're bound to find something to be addicted to! If we lose interest in one thing, yes, we'll search until we find something else!
I'd be interested to know what everyone else's addictions are!
You never know: I just might find a new thing to add to MY list of addictions! :)

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