My senses are assaulted by all the color and the flowers and the beautiful things all around me!
Mesmerized, I walk from isle to isle as if in a trance, unaware of the time or even who might be with me!
At time, I have totally lost track of my husband and my Mother and Sister in these stores, but I think the same thing is happening to them also, because they don't seem to be aware that I'm no longer with them either!! What is it? Something they emit through the air systems or the music has sublimal messaging? Or is it the lighting? Like some science-fiction movie, you're mind is taken over by some alien being? Whatever
One thing I became aware of as I walked through the store though, is another reminder that summer is about to end!! All the colors and silk floral displays are in autumn colors already and they are having sales on the Christmas decorations and supplies! Ugh!! Of course, I understand in a hobby store, they have to begin these sales early enough to give people the required time to make their gifts and centerpieces, etc. But come on! It's the beginning of August! Gone already were the beautiful colors of summer!
So, oblivious to those that might be watching me on surveillance
There were a few customers that gave me a strange look but from looking at them looking at me, I deducted that they just thought I was some big-shot corporate person taking pictures of the store's displays for whatever reason, maybe advertising. Yeah, that's what I was
I just loved this little tray of roosters!! I'd love to have it on my kitchen counter if I had room!
When I'm in this store, I want to buy everything I see!! I can just imagine how my house would look!! Cluttered and like a Hobby Lobby Store actually! I love all of this glassware and want all of it!! This time, fortunately, I was on a quest for beads for my jewelry-making addiction though, so I
I really liked this display and the color of this glass. It's an amber color and has a cracked-glass appearance. It was just beautiful! I don't know what I'd do with it if I had it, but I'd really like to have it!
I also thought these roosters were fascinating!
They're made from blown glass. For some reason I have a fascination with roosters and chickens and don't know why!
The reason I called this posting "Temporary Insanity" other than the obvious reasons is because I was so caught up in taking these pictures and looking around (well, a better term might be drooling over all the beautiful glassware I'd like to have!), that I finally went back to the aisles that held all the things I originally went there for: BEADS!
As I merrily and excitedly filled my cart with all the beautiful future jewelry pieces I'd make from them I headed to the check-0ut counter finally. As I was putting the packages up on the counter, to the dismay of both the cashier and the customers that were forming a line behind me, I sheepishly looked at them and said "You may want to go to a different counter, I have TONS of beads!" to which they gladly left and went to the other cashier's counter. I'm sure my cashier wished she could do the same as she looked down at mountains of tiny packages that she began to separate by price. Ugh!
As she rang them up, I was starting to get a little concerned about how much I'd spent because even though there was a 50% off sale, I did have quite a mountain of beads there! I asked her for a sub-total and it was $190!!!! I almost fainted! I asked her about it and she said :
"You do realize that not EVERYTHING is 50% off, don't you?" I assured her that I did not know that and that the ad said jewelry making supplies. She replied "Well, you really have to read the fine print. I'm sorry about that."
I frantically began to sort through my pile to try to decide just what I could live without, as I still had quite a few packages that she hadn't even included in the subtotaled amount! I began to separate the packages and told her I'd have to leave the rest that was on the counter for another day and to please just go ahead and total up what I had there already rung up.
So, I walked out of the store with three small plastic bags and a cash register receipt for $190!!
That's why I titled my little adventure as "Temporary Insanity". Who does such things?????
I may need to go and seek therapy, because I'm still thinking about going back today for that little counter rooster I saw!
Well, it is so nice to meet you, and thank you for coming by to visit. please add me to your blog list and I will add you to mine. I understand that Hobby Lobby issue...I have the same issues and not just with Hobby Lobby...LOL:) Now that my son is in college, my decorating budget is almost $0. I may get a part time job, just to support my habits...LOL:) I have the same rooster you just purchased...I have a picture of it on one of my recent posts. I just had to have him!! Hope you have a great day. Nancy
Thanks for stopping by my blog and giving me such a sweet comment. All right another Hobby Lobby addict....yes, I admitted it in another post....My name is Darlene and I AM a Hobby Lobby
I always go in with the intention of buying just things I think I NEED at that moment and always walk out with so much more!
Your roosters look right at home on your kitchen counter. I showed the two I bought from HL on a previous post when the metalware was on sale. Yours are too cute!!
Linda, I can relate to your Hobby Lobby addiction. Yesterday it was pouring down rain in Jackson, and since I had a doctor's appointment nearby, I thought I would "run into Hobby Lobby" for a minute.
Well, by the time I got there it was pouring down with flash flooding in the streets, but that didn't stop ME. I literally WADED into the building and spent about 40 minutes happily browsing. I didn't buy anything but enjoyed looking at the new things they have for fall.
And I have had that same thing happen to me about the "50% off" stuff. You really do have to read the "fine print."
Hope you have a fun day today ...
Janie, I admire your reserve!! To go into Hobby Lobby and walk out without having bought a thing is amazing! I don't think I could do that! lol But it is nice to just walk around in there and admire everything! Everything is so beautiful! maybe I could resist buying and just invite friends to come and visit me there instead of in my home!! What do you think?? lol
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