Have you ever had a day when the time just seemed to slip by you and suddenly it was late in the day and you asked yourself, "How did it get so late already?" It seems that at times these things just slip up on us unexpectedly and it's like we've been in a fog or something not to have noticed that we've wasted an entire day doing things that are not constructive by today's standards in any way!
Today, for me, has been one of those days! I didn't intend to sit here reading "blogs" until afternoon! Somehow I found myself caught-up in reading about the happenings of everyone else's life and thoughts as recorded in their blogs, which in turn, makes me go deep inside myself and my own thoughts.
Yesterday was a busy day for me. It was spent at my daughter's house and swimming in her
pool, watching clouds go by overhead as the sun peeked in and out at us; just enjoying the lazy summer day and sadly comtemplating how soon it would come to an end and the children would be back in school again. I don't know about you, but as much as I like "fall", I hate thinking about summer coming to an end. It saddens me. I guess it seems that way because summer is the only time that we really have to enjoy "life's little stop-overs": long summer days, spent at the pool or in the park with a good book; watching the grandkids enjoy their time away from the rigidity of the classroom; watching the stars in the sky until late at night and listening to the night sounds! Oh how I love summer!

I love the warmth of the sun on my skin and knowing it won't be dark until late at night! Long, leisurely days to co
ntemplate "LIFE". I know most people don't have that luxury and summer isn't much different for them than any other time of the year because of their work schedules. That's how it was for me while I was working full-time.

I'm so thankful that at this time in my life, I have time to enjoy "life's little stop-overs". After working full-time for the past eight years, and then taking early retirement, I now thankfully have time to enjoy life and not worry about the little "stops" that come along. If I "waste" a day sitting in front of my computer reading blogs or opening a good book and spending hours reading, nothing bad is going to happen to me! I'll simply make up for it on another day.
How I love just spending time alone and reading a good book just for pleasure or listening to music or taking a walk or spending the day swimming in the pool and not accomplishing a single "constructive thing"! It isn't going to bring any harm to anyone. In fact, these are the times I've found to actually be the most productive in my life, believe it or not! These are the times I've learned the most about myself! Time spent reflecting on my life and family and just "listening" to my inner-self! So many times we spend so much time in such noisy environments that we couldn't hear a jack-hammer if it was pounding on our head! For some, noise and activity are escapes, keeping them from having to really think about their lives or their situations. Personally, I savor these times! I love having quiet moments alone with my own thoughts. I rarely turn a TV or radio on when I'm home alone. I like to just "think". Occasionally, I might listen to some soft music as background. I've found that often helps me think, as long as it isn't distracting and makes me start thinking about the singer's words instead of just being a conductor for my thoughts.

We all need to learn to enjoy "Life's Little Stop-Overs"!
Spend some time soon alone with just yourself and your thoughts! I think it will do you a world of good and you'll be surprised at what just a little bit of time apart can do for your whole outlook on life!
Learn to enjoy "Life's Little Stop-Overs"!
The sweet song of a bird,
Wind-whispers in the trees;
These things are only heard
In quiet days of ease.
Linda Hobart 8-07-08

Hi, Linda ...
Just a note to let you know I've been enjoying your blog. You're very good at expressing your feelings and thoughts and that's what I love about blogging. You can write about anything that interests you and sooner or later someone will come along who feels the same way you do, or shares a common interest with you.
And I can relate to spending a whole day reading other blogs and writing yours. I've become addicted and even find myself thinking about some of my blogging friends and wondering what they're doing today. Is that weird?
Anyway ... I just wanted to let you know I've enjoyed yours and appreciate your comments about mine.
Thanks Janie! I read yours every morning! I love the pictures you post. It's nice to be able to keep up with each other's lives in a very visual way! I hope you have a very nice day today!
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