Friday, August 15, 2008

Words of Wisdom, From a 92 Year Old Preacher

I received an email this morning from a friend that talked about a program she had watched on TV on Sunday morning. In this televised church, they had asked a 92 year old retired preacher to preach. He said that he was asked to talk about what was the greatest lesson he'd learned through his life as a preacher. He summed it up with this:

"Jesus loves me, this I know,
For the Bible tells me so! "

I guess that about sums it up for all of us, doesn't it? Whether or not a person "believes" the Bible or believes in Jesus, doesn't really change this statement or it's affects on our lives. Don't you just love it how the aged seem to be able to just sum it all up on a nutshell, so to speak and get right to the important stuff, leaving out all the extraneous material; the things that aren't really important anyway?

There are so many other countries that hold the aging population in high regard and take care of them and show honor to them for their wisdom. This country looks upon it's aging population as a nuisance and a problem that we need to do something about. We put them in homes and hide them away so we don't have to think about them anymore. Let someone else take care of them, we're too busy! Yet look at all the wisdom that we're overlooking.

My Grandmother used to always give credit to the fact that Jesus loved her and kept her. I can still see her standing up in church at testimony time and saying "He saves! He keeps! and He satisfies!" Words of wisdom in a nutshell!

We are saved by placing our faith in His death and shed blood on the cross for our sakes. We are kept daily by His keeping power and the guidance of the Holy Spirit in our lives and we are daily satisfied by His presence and love each day as we walk through this planet.

Romans 5:6 and 8 tells us:

"For when we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly."


"But God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us."

What more could we ask for? It doesn't matter what trials may come our way. We know we won't ever have to face them alone but that the ONE who loves us more than any other person on this earth possibly could, is right there guiding us and loving us and holding onto us, even when WE let go of HIS hand. That's such a comfort to me, since I know how many countless times, I've let go of HIS hand!

One of my favorite Bible verses is Isaiah 30:21

"And thine ears shall hear a word behind thee, saying, This is the way, walk ye in it, when ye turn to the right hand, and when ye turn to the left."

What comfort to know that Jesus loves us and will guide our steps through this life!

He really does SAVE, KEEP and SATISFY!
Thank you Grandma for teaching me that principle over and over again!


Robin Beck said...

I really loved this post-It gave me Holy Spirit bumps all over.
I have a few things going on right now that I am depending on Jesus to take care of. Thank you for your post -Perfect Godly timing.
Have a great weekend.

Linda S H said...

Thanks Robin. The other day, I needed comfort and guidance on something and the song "I Must Tell Jesus" kept running through my head over and over again. I woke up with that in my thoughts and I haven't heard that song in a long time! Holy Spirit Guidance, that little voice in my head saying "This is the way, walk in it." Aren't you thankful that Jesus hasn't left us alone? I sure am! I've said a prayer for you today. Have a wonderful weekend!

Nancy Rosalina said...

Thank you, for doing this kind of post!! I loved it! What a blessing. Nnacy

B J's Corner said...