Saturday, September 26, 2009

We Arrived in Chicago

We got up at 4:30 a.m. this morning so we could finish packing and leave the house by 6:00 a.m.  Our daughters both met us and we rode to Nashville together.  Since we left early, we stopped at Cracker Barrel for breakfast before going on to the airport.  We arrived at the airport and got our bags checked and went on to our gate.  Our flight took off on time and things were fine until it started storming! It stormed most of the flight and the flight attendants had to sit out most of the flight.  Praise the Lord we arrived safely though, without incident.

Once in Chicago, we discovered that the car we rented was too small to put all 8 of us in along with our luggage, so we had to upgrade to a mini-van.  The mini-van is very comfortable and roomy though.  Once our luggage was loaded, we headed for White Castle for lunch!  My husband swears that Krystal will never be White Castle,which is his preference.  On to the Museum of Science and Industry with the kiddies who were dying to get to the museum and see all that is there. Half-way through, I had to sit it out, as those concrete floors do a number on my lower back.  I found a seat and waited on the kids to see and touch everything they could before the museum closed at 4:00.  

We went on to Lansing where we booked hotel rooms online. Once we got there, we discovered that the rooms were HORRIBLE!! Never go to the Howard Johnson in Lansing, IL!  We were met by another couple that had booked online and had been there for 4 hours trying to get their booking straightened out and had looked at 6 different rooms and all of them were horrible!  One even had a hole in the window the size of a man's fist, another the commode wasn't working and another the lights weren't working and another smelled like marijuana!  and on and on the list went.  The guy at the front desk could care less.  Finally, after 6 different phone calls, we got the charges removed from our credit card and found another hotel, from where I am writing this blog tonight.

We finally got settled in our rooms and ordered pizzas from Aurelios!  That's our favorite in the Chicago area!  They even delivered to the hotel!  

Half of our group is now sleeping peacefully in their beds and I'm wide awake!  I know I have to get to sleep soon though because we have to get up early tomorrow to go help set up for my mom's birthday party. 

Will let you know more in a few days once we arrive in Florida and get situated.

Until then...  hasta la vista!

Friday, September 25, 2009

In Search of Some Time to Think

Tomorrow, my husband and I will be flying to Chicago to see my Mother for her 80th birthday.  After that, we'll return on Monday to repack and head for Florida for a week of vacation time.  I'm very much looking forward to this time away from our normal lives, to relax and regroup and rethink and just meditate on all that has transpired over this past year thus far. 

When Fall comes, I find that I get very introspective and a little melancholic too.  It's rather like a time of preparation for the "hibernation" that comes with winter and cold weather and remaining inside; for when we have less light. I'm not fond of winter and less light!  I think that even though we are human and do not hibernate as some of the animal kingdom does, all in all, we still have a sort of hibernation that comes upon us. I feel it each Fall.  I start to get a feeling of drawing into myself, contemplating things more; thinking deeper; wanting to meditate on life and circumstances.... going "deeper". 

This is what I'm looking forward to more than anything with this vacation to Florida.  It's not going to be a tourist vacation. We're planning on going to the condo and just resting, reading, watching old movies and I really plan to do a lot of work on my novel while there.  When I can get away from the normal hustle and bustle of "life" as we live it, and go where it will be more quiet and secluded, so I can "think" without distractions and interruptions.  Many times we have had these intentions only to have them side-tracked.  We end up doing the tourist thing anyway.  That is why we decided to go where we are going this next week.  It's nore secluded.  You have to travel for 15 minutes to get to a Wal-mart!   We'll buy our groceries and supplies and then "hibernate" in the condo or walking on the beach in the afternoon sun. Oh how I long for the sun and the ocean!  

Because we'll be hibernating for most of the trip, I may or may not get online much.  We're taking one of those cards from Verizon with us so that we can have Internet access, but I may not get online but once every few days.  We'll see what happens.  :)  If something really spectacular happens and we can get online access, I may upload some photos and a post from time to time.

Wishing you all a wonderful and peaceful week!  

Nothing can separate us from God's Love  Romans 8:18-39

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Marriage Advice

This is a picture of my parents, when my Dad was still with us. He's in Heaven now and my Mom is about to celebrate her 80th birthday. My parents were married for 62 years.

Today, marriages just aren't making it.  Why is that?  I personally believe that one of the best reasons is that people are not really "in love" when they get married. They're "in lust".  Marriage, no matter how you look at it, is hard, once the honeymoon wears off.  Then add to that: children, monthly bills, maybe loss of a job, illness, all the stresses that come with two people living together for a number of years. Most couples today just don't have what it takes to 'stick it out'.  

Why do we hear so many people say that they "just don't love" their mate anymore?  Or that they "fell out of love" with their spouse.  I believe that love is a conscious decision that one makes, not something that they 'fall into' or 'fall out of''.  Many couples today just don't take the time to even see if they are compatible before they 'fall into' bed with each other.  "Love" is a commitment and a sacrifice; wanting someone else's good above your own.  It's unselfish; totally.

My parents loved each other unselfishly; each sacrificing the things they loved for the other and for their children.  You all know what I'm talking about;  giving up "my time" and "my friends" because I'd rather be with you and do what you want to do.  Wanting that other person's happiness more than their own. Raising a family and then sacrificing the things "you" want, in order to give them to your children.

Sacrifice.  There is so little of that today.  Instead we hear men and women saying they 'just want out'.  Why is that?  A majority of the time it's because they've allowed someone (maybe at the office or over the Internet) to get a little "in-road" into their affections and interests.  They made room for that other person in their life, maybe during a moment of boredom in their marriage. Let me tell you, long-term marriages are subject to a little familiarity and boredom from time to time.  Let's face it, there are times in all of our marriages that we "just don't feel it" anymore.  

When you truly love your mate, as Christ loves us, you move ahead and keep going and pray and ask God to restore that love and affection.  We "take it and don't insist on our own way or our own rights".  That's what love is. (Of course, I'm not speaking of a physically abusive situation.)

A dead person has no "rights".  Read Romans Chapter 6.

I thank God for my parents and the love they demonstrated for all six of their children.  Did they ever quarrel or disagree?  Of course they did! Did they stay together through it all?  Yes, they did.  And I thank God for that commitment that was shown to each of us.

There is nothing that is hurting our nation more than the break-up of our homes and families.  There is nothing that hurts our children more than to see their home broken up; to have to divide their time and affection between two parents.  In order to justify their actions, parents deceive themselves into thinking that they can 'make it up' to their kids by giving them more "things". More things is not what they want!  More time with a Mother and  Father that love them UNSELFISHLY is what they want and need.  To have their home whole and secure again, is what they need.  To see two parents living out what it means to really love and sacrifice and put someone else's good above their own, is what they need and want.  Putting 'their' welfare above their own wants and desires. Another deception that parents use to justify their actions for breaking up their home is that  "the kids will be better off when we aren't fighting anymore".  There would BE no fighting if Mom and Dad would set aside their own pride and get on their knees and ask God to help them and to save their marriage. 

I know there are no pat answers for every situation and that there really are some good reasons for divorce today; but the majority of those that divorce are doing it for the wrong reasons and sacrificing their children on the altar of their own self-centered desires. It's time to take a good look at where our nation is going and ask if it's worth it.

Here is a good link to some really good advice on marriage:

And here is an excellent link to some really good helps for the home:

May God save our nation and our homes!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Coffee in the Morning

Did you ever wake up in the morning to find that when your husband set-up the coffee pot the night before, he forgot to empty the carafe of the coffee that was already in it?  UGH!  Can you say "coffee all over the counter-top and under the cabinet below"?  What would I do without him? 

Our conference went great here in Chattanooga.  Over 400 leaders in attendance and everyone had a wonderful day of training and learning and sharing. We had a wonderful keynote speaker that everyone loved!

For me, the day was exhausting though.  After setting everything up on Friday night and then not getting more than 2 1/2  hours sleep on Friday night,  I was totally exhausted on Saturday and Sunday.  We went to church Sunday morning (we had our Homecoming Celebration) and I came home and fell across the bed and didn't get up til dh awakened me at 3:30 p.m.  He was afraid I wouldn't be able to sleep again that night.  Wow it was hard to get up though!  Today is much better after a good night's rest last night.  I think I might even try to work on my book a little more later.  Now that the conference is behind us, I can do that. 

I'm looking forward to this Saturday, when we will be leaving to go to Illinois to see my Mom for her 80th birthday on Monday!  We can only stay for the weekend, but we'll at least get to see her and wish her a happy birthday in person!

Well, that's all for today!  Hope everyone has a wonderful week!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Sleep Aludes Me

I went to bed earlier than usual tonight, hoping to get a good night's rest so I would be fresh in the morning for our conference.  Unfortunately, we had to take the crew out to dinner late tonight after everyone got their workshop rooms all set up.  It was late and we went to a "Southern Cooking" place.  Can you say "FRIED FOOD"?  Not the best thing for someone that is 'not a spring chick anymore'! lol  I laid there and laid there and just couldn't get to sleep!  My stomach was rebelling and punishing me for not being kind to it.  So I came to "Blogland" and decided to look around; visiting a few of my favorites and then thought I should at least let everyone know I was here.  You're all probably sound asleep right now, enjoying your soft bed.  I have to be up at 5:30 a.m. in the morning to get ready to go so we can be at the church bright and early and have everything ready for the crowd as they begin to come in for registration at 7:15 a.m.  We'll get the coffee started and have the donuts and snacks ready and be waiting on them at the registration and sales tables.  I'll have bags under my eyes! :)  Oh well...  I need to learn a lesson in "self-control" and NOT eat that late at night, even if I've not eaten much all day! We have a good friend and it doesn't matter if he hasn't eaten all day, if he can't eat until late, then he just doesn't eat.  Simple as that.  I need to learn that kind of self-control and discipline!  I'm praying I will!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Big Day Tomorrow

Tomorrow is our big Awana Leadership Training Conference here in Chattanooga!

Tonight we are setting everything up to be prepared for all of the Awana leaders that will come to attend workshops all day so that they can return to their churches as better trained Awana leaders.

Training is important, no matter what you choose to do in life!  
If something is worth doing-it's worth doing right!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Writing is FUN!

Yes, writing is FUN!!  I have finished three children's books now and have published them on at this address:
I am also working on a NOVEL at the moment.!  The thing that I have discovered about writing, is that it is almost or even more exciting than reading a book!  I have found that when I sit down to write, I only have an "idea" of what the story is going to be about.  Once I start writing, it takes on a life of its own!  I have 38 pages into my new novel right now and each day is an adventure because I don't know where the story will take me!  I can't wait to see how it gets to where I want it go!! 
More to come on that, another time!

Right now, please visit my bookstore on Blurb and make an early purchase for your Christmas Shopping!  These books will bring much delight to the children in your life, along with teaching them character and obedience at the same time.  They will love Petie and Mr. Buzz!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Wading through the murky waters of seeking an Agent

I never knew it could be so hard to actually get a book published!!

The other day, I finally broke down and went to the bookstore and bought three books that were recommended to me:  "Writer's and Illustrator's Guide to Children's Book Publishers and Agents" by Ellen R. Shapiro and "How to Write a Children's Book and Get It Published" by Barbara Seuling and "The Complete Idiot's Guide to Writing Children's Books".  (I should qualify there!) I have my work cut out for me! 

I think I am going to set the actual writing aside for a bit now and just try to get through most of these books.  I've completed two of the "Petie" books now; one is on the website and has actually sold 4 or 5 copies so far!  I'm excited about that!  The other one is in the finishing stages and about to be uploaded, but I'm trying to decide if I want to do that or wait until I find an Agent first.  Then I have a third book that I wrote many years ago and my Mother helped collaborate on the art work; that one has to be typed into the software and uploaded also.  Until then though, I need to get through these books I've purchased, make submissions of query letters to Agents and see what happens.  Making all of the submissions and keeping track of them is the hard part!  Writing is the fun part!

The exciting news for this week though is that I should have my first hard-back book in my hands by this Friday! I'll be so excited to actually hold something I've written, in book form, in my hands!  We're supposed to be leaving for Mississippi on Friday so I'm hoping that the Fed Ex guy comes early before we have to leave so I can take it with me!

We're going to have a busy month the rest of this month now. Next weekend is our own conference that we administer and then the end of the month we'll be traveling to Illinois to see my Mom. She is going to be 80 years old on September 28th!  I'll say more about that later.  When we return from Illinois, we are taking a break and going to Florida for a few days to just relax.  THAT I'm really looking forward to as it will give me some time to just READ and get through these books I've purchased.

More on this adventure later!  I hope all of you have a wonderful week and weekend!
(The picture of the sunflower at the top of this post was taken by my Sister Dawn! 
It's growing in her back yard and is twice as tall as she is!!)

Friday, September 4, 2009

My Book is Selling!

Can you say "Excited"??  I'm so excited that I have had a book sell already and I just put my book on the website a  couple days ago!  I'm submitting it to other publishers now and am praying that it will be picked up by the best one!  I have  ideas for several more episodes in the life of our little "Petie".  Getting all of the artwork done though is very time-consuming and I'd really like to have a better artist do the illustrations. I'll see about that when I hear from a publisher.

In the meantime, I'm working on the formatting for the 2nd book and have scanned the illustrations into my computer for uploading. Today I made my first formal submission to a publisher! wow!

I'm running short on time today for getting my allergy shots and then going to my Grandson's birthday party!

I'll keep you posted on the latest on little "Petie"!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

New Book!

What have I been up to lately besides painting portraits?

Well....... I have started writing children's books! I have just uploaded my first children's book for sale! I'm working on the second one now and it should be finished soon. I'm so excited! I've always wanted to write and finally just dug in and did it!

You can preview my new book here:

I hope you'll look at it and buy it for your children or grandchildren. There aren't many books on the market for children today that teach obedience, character and manners. This is my aim in writing these books.

Who knows? I may decide I like writing so much I'll even venture out into adult fiction!